Age is just another Number
Star of the Month
Meet Sayeeda J. Gulrays age 72 years. - A retired teacher, founder of a registered association that helps deserving students by way of getting sponsors, helping Orphanages & Old age homes. She is an Ardent aquarium hobbyist from age of 3 and we are very happy to be knowing her and bringing to all our readers her journey into this fascinating world of Aquarium Hobby.
Aquafishcare :- What made you get into this fascinating hobby of keeping an Aquarium? Why Fish? Your Influence?
Sayeeda:- This incredible journey started when I was 3 years , It was my father who kept an Aquarium at home, with varieties of fish like mollies, Tangerines, Swordtail, Gouramies, Guppies etc and it gave me immense joy to watch them. I always helped him in cleaning and arranging stones in the tank. He was my influence and my mentor. I gathered a lot of information from him.
Down the years I got found of fishes because of vibrant colours, their movements in the water gave me soothing effect and sense of calmness always prevailed into me whenever I am at my fish tank. Also, they not require much of space. For me in short its a great "stress reliever". I cannot see myself a apart from a Fish Tank.
Aquafishcare :- Which was your first fish then, How do you think that the hobby is evolved?
Sayeeda :- My first fish were different types of Gouramies, especially the flamming Gouramy (maroonish red in colour) which is not available now.
Fish keeping Hobby has grown immensely , earlier when I was a teenager the aquarium shops were located very far off and it was difficult to get information, quality fish food pellets, To get live worms was very challenging. There were shops at Bandra but choice was very limited. We use to maintain the worms by washing constantly, so that the survive longer period. Quiet often I found that they survive even eating Algae , so that was the blessing. So it was very difficult in keeping the hobby going. But I believe in one thing " Tough people last long"
Aquafishcare: How easy it is to have information on an aquarium today? Can one develope the hobby instantly now a days?
Sayeeda: Earlier , we had to depend on the shop keeper for information. There was no choice but to believe in what he use to say. we has hobbyist did not have any good choice either.
Coming to present its been much more easier to gather information from You Tube and other social media. I am so happy with Google searches now. The Aquarium shops now a days keep variety of food for different fish and I feel there are more varieties of types of fish too at the Aquarium shops. There are practically fish shops in every area now. All these information now available makes a beginner very easy to keep an Aquarium. I believe that the hobby has grown immensely at present and hobbyist are getting educated and better informed.
Aquafishcare: What about maintenance ?
Sayeeda: It was a very tedious task earlier. I remember we had to store water for about 24 hours to get rid of chlorine. , Then came Anti-chlorine making it much more easier.
I do water changes even now. Siphoning it by myself , Cleaning Accessories, Cleaning with scrubber and sea salt so that it becomes Anti-Bacteria. Most of all I Enjoy doing it even now.
Aquafishcare: Which Fish food do you prefer?
Sayeeda: Most of my fish have got use to Taiyyo and Hello pets flakes and dried Blood worms which are now easily available. I hardly feed them now Live Blood worms. I prefer pellets which do not make the water Milky. I am now on lookout to feed better quality fish food.
Aquafishcare: What are your other passions , Do you have any other pets?
Sayeeda:- I always keep myself busy with my social service activity helping deserving students, working with orphanages, and old age homes.
I believe in being creative and imaginative thinking. Also busy with Gardening, Singing, Painting on Fabrics, Glass and porcelain. I also had a labrador which passed away 2 years ago. Also had a Rabbit. A squirrel always visits me just love to feed it .

Mrs. Sayeeda J. Gulrays along with her Aquarium

The Labrador - Amigo lived for 13 years.

Sayeeda with a squirrel who visits her often.